

School of Computing

Fast track your information technology career

Fast track your information technology career

For above average wages and worldwide job opportunities in a high demand sector, look no further than a career in information technology (IT).

A 51ÎÛÂþ Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (BCIS) can help you gain the analytical, problem-solving, and technical skills required to become a manager in the IT industry. On the way to completing your bachelor's degree, you can earn a certificate and diploma in Computer Information Systems, enhancing your employment opportunities even before you graduate.

In your first two years, you get introduced to topics such as network and database administration, web design, information systems management, network security, and programming. You also gain the business and communications skills that are essential for success in the workplace.

In your last two years, you can take an optional concentration in systems and networking, software development, or security. Courses focus on building up your technical knowledge, while also equipping you with key skills in project management, statistics, and administration. If you aim for a career in big data or machine learning, you may add a Mathematics minor to your degree.

Consider taking advantage of 51ÎÛÂþ’s optional paid co-op work placements to gain work experience, develop contacts, and find the type of IT job that's your best fit. When you graduate, you are ready to succeed in the IT marketplace or pursue a master's degree in an IT-related disclpline.

Career outlook for information technology

The British Columbia 2025 Labour Market Outlook identifies several IT professions as high opportunity occupations with excellent projected employment rate. Included on the list are: computer and information systems managers; information systems analysts and consultants; computer programmers and interactive media developers; web designers and developers; computer network technicians; and computer engineers.

Making an IT career even more attractive is the fact that average weekly earnings for technology employees are 85% higher than for non-tech workers in British Columbia, according to the BC Stats Report.

As a BCIS grad, your skills can help you qualify for a computer-related job in almost any industry. You may find yourself working as a computer systems analyst, network systems administrator, applications developer, business systems analyst, information security analyst, database administrator, software system developer, programmer, and more. With experience, you can rise to become a project lead, manager, or IT consultant.