Planning, Geography, and Environmental Studies

Gain insight into Indigenous land claims

Gain insight into Indigenous land claims

All over the world, Aboriginal people are bringing forward land claims. What’s in it for them? Can Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people find mutually-acceptable ways to resolve these claims and avoid controversy?

51's Indigenous Maps, Films, Rights and Land Claims (IMFRLC) associate certificate helps shed light on these questions and equips you with a range of skills to grow your understanding of Indigenous issues.

The intensive four-week, 12-credit associate certificate applies an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Indigenous land claims. It examines in part how First Nations, in Canada and around the world, have been represented historically in film, on maps, or in text and rights discourse.

The program is offered during the summer semester in Chilliwack. The in-class portion takes only four weeks to complete, on a four-day-on, three-day-off schedule, with the rest of the summer free to complete assignments.

Practicum work, field site visits, and guest lectures enhance in-class learning and bring concepts to life. Instructors have a wealth of experience in Stó:lō research and history, and come from a wide range of disciplines including filmmaking, geography, archeology, history, and traditional storytelling.

The IMFRLC associate certificate can be taken as a stand-alone credential or may be applied to satisfy requirements of the 51 Bachelor of Arts degree. Students wishing to apply credit towards other 51 bachelor's degrees should consult with a program advisor.

Career Outlook for Indigenous Land Claims

Aboriginal people are Canada's fastest-growing demographic. According to Statistics Canada, they currently accounts for 4.3% of the Canadian population. And this number is expected to grow to 5.3% by 2030.

Paralleling this trend, is a rising awareness that Canadian society must break from a history of marginalizing Indigenous people, to value their cultures and foster truth, justice, and reconciliation. As a result, knowledge of Indigenous history, culture, and values is vital for professionals who work in the fields of education, health, arts, social work, or business.

Earning an Indigenous Maps, Films, Rights and Land Claims associate certificate is an excellent choice for current professionals who need to develop skills in the area of Indigenous land claims in order to enhance their career. It is also a must-have addition to a bachelor's degree for anyone wishing to pursue a career in politics, education, human rights, public administration, international development, or Aboriginal support.